Website Development
A Website can speak well of your business and encourage consumers to be engaged with your business.
The correct website development and maintenance is paramount to your business. Websites are where consumers will get a lasting impression of your business or service. You need to encourage them by the look of your website, remember the saying “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. What does your website depict? A Business website that has a dated look or uses old technology can hurt your business and drive potential customers to your competitor.
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Your business website should have easy navigation, be acceptable and meet the required standards to Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. The website should look new and up to date and secure. Paper clips should be in place so when someone is looking for a specific product or service they should be taken to the correct page not to your website. Example: Let’s say you sell furniture and a consumer is looking for a dining room set. The consumer should be taken to the Dining Room section not to your website to search out the product their looking for. Remember, first impressions are everything.
AuthoTrans has been developing and hosting websites for over 16 years and can always give you the best price. AuthoTrans website division understands how to develop and market a website at a price you can afford. When it comes to upgrade or redevelopment of your website, get a quote from our website experts. Chances are we have been building websites longer than those you currently use.
Mobile Website
Consumers are more mobile today than ever before to meet this change your business should also have a mobile website in addition to your internet website. A mobile website works correctly with smart phones, tablets and it is easier to navigate a mobile website from this type of device. The easier it is to make a purchase on your mobile website and the more secure a customer feels the more likely they will use their credit card to complete the transaction.
According to the 2013 Mobile Consumer Insights Study, while the majority of smartphone and tablet owners (68 percent) have attempted to make a purchase on their device, two thirds (66 percent) failed to complete a transaction due to obstacles encountered during checkout, Of those respondents who failed to make their purchases, 41 percent said the checkout was too difficult on their device, and 23 percent said they failed to make a purchase because is would not go through.
Other causes for shopping cart abandonment include gender factors and security concerns. Men are more likely to make mobile purchases than women, with 74 percent of male smartphone owners having attempted to make a mobile payment, compared to only 62 percent of females. Additionally, women are more likely to not complete a mobile payment due to security issues, with 56 percent saying they did not feel secure entering their credit card information. With regard to age, 62 percent of those 55 or older claimed to have concerns over the security to their credit card information.
Today, a positive experience on Mobile devices is paramount. It will make the difference in the sale and profit your business has the potential to make. Remember today’s sale to a mobile consumer has the potential to become a lasting repeat customer. A mobile website is one of the most important marketing tools your business can have.
Which Do You Think YOUR Customers
Would Prefer to Use?
For More Information About Website Development and Mobile Websites
Contact Us Via Email or 1.888.488.1907