Business to Business Merchant Account

Business to BusinessThis is a very unique market that has many challenges to processing credit card payments. AuthoTrans Merchants that provide products, services or materials for other businesses (B to B) are established with AuthoTrans Gateway, this allows our clients to process all credit cards and (EFT) payments.

The benefits of using the AuthoTrans Gateway instead of a stand-alone credit card machine are many:

  • Multiple users can log on to the gateway and process credit card payments at the same time
  • Repeat customers only need to be entered once into the system. The original transaction can be resubmitted with a new amount and description. This saves time and money each month for processing payments on all your customers.
  • History reports available
  • Downloadable reports into accounting software
  • Next Day funding – All Credit Card types including American Express
  • 100% credit card deposits
  • One statement for all credit card types available (Including Amex One Point)
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for check processing of payment
  • Reoccurring Billing payment options

Because credit card transactions are taken over the phone many security procedures must be implemented to protect the business merchant. AuthoTrans provides real assessments on current procedures and helps to implement procedures based on PCI and credit card standards.

Business to BusinessWhen a business accepts a credit card from another business for payment card not present rates apply. AuthoTrans works with businesses billing department to help them establish cost and overhead procedures that allows each Business to Business merchant account to maximize profit margins and maintain low credit card processing rates. AuthoTrans will work with your business to keep you advised of new rates and regulations that will affect your bottom line.

AuthoTrans believes that keeping your finance and billing department aware of upcoming changes allows planning to protect your profit margins.

For more information about our Gateway

For More Information on Your Business to Business Merchant Account Options,
Contact Us Via Email or 1.888.488.1907

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