
The definition given for “Philosophy” by Oxford Dictionary: A theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle of behavior.

What a broad definition and concept. With many personalities working with AuthoTrans and each having their own personal philosophies it is our goal by written policy and procedures to have one coherent corporate philosophy that all those representing our company must uphold.

AuthoTrans for the past 18 years has endorsed a philosophy of core values that are a based upon ethical principles and honest business practice.

With these standards we have many clients that have remained with us for the entire 18 years and seventy percent of our clients for more than a decade. AuthoTrans strives to have our staff, customer service and technical support make each client’s question a priority. AuthoTrans belief is that every client question is an opportunity to develop a stronger relationship with that owner or manager.

Building rapport creates an atmosphere of confidence and that a resolution or answer to a client question will never be conjecture, but real answers based on research and fact. Factual information allows our clients to make real business decisions.

AuthoTrans will always provide:

  • Fast and effective solutions
  • Return your phone call & keep you updated on progress of your question
  • Make your concern a priority
  • For specialized projects a Qualified Team Member will be assigned.

Every Day We Redefine Merchant Processing With Innovative Technology

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