POS Inventory

pos inventoryIf you are looking to upgrade your business to begin using a Point-of-Sale (POS) inventory system with one or more stations AuthoTrans has the solution. For over a decade AuthoTrans has developed, installed, converted and trained businesses on POS and Software products Systems. With many software and inventory solutions offering specialized software programs such as Golf Course, Tennis Clubs, Health Clubs, Health Care, Restaurants and many variations of software that can be used for specific business models it is virtually impossible to make a selection.

Important facts to consider in your Software/POS Selection:

  • Is the Software User Friendly?
  • How Much Does it Cost?
  • How Much Does it Cost Each Year for Updates and Continued Customer Service?
  • What Options does Software Give for Credit Card Processing?
  • Is Software PCI Compliant?
  • What Type of Computer Do I Need?
  • Will This Software Work on my Existing Computer POS Platform?
  • How Long Will it Take to Load All My Inventory?
  • What About Bar Codes?
  • How do I Take Yearly Inventory Counts?

For More Information
(888) 488-1907

AuthoTrans can provide the correct selection of software and equipment while at the same time developing the link to process credit cards with our network. Not all software provides the proper link for credit card processing and the wrong selection in software could increase your credit card processing rates without your knowledge.

Our IT department can ship ready to go tested touch screen terminals or AuthoTrans can arrange an IT person on site for an additional fee to install and train your staff members.

A POS solution should not be daunting but a system that helps streamline your business and save time and money.

For more ideas or to have AuthoTrans begin research to develop the POS system for your business contact us.

For More Information About POS Systems, Software Solutions
and Your Merchant Account Options,
Contact Us Via Email or 1.888.488.1907

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